Each time you create a password stop and think of how much sensitive personal data you have. From names, addresses, dates of birth, your Social Security numbers, credit card numbers and other financial information.   It is all your most valuable data. And your safety of that information is only as strong as the passwords you create.

Far too often when working with our clients and their online accounts we find that either they have an excel spreadsheet, a handwritten list or almost the same password for all of their accounts.

This smorgasbord of information is a hacker’s dream come true.  Take the time today and implement our Seven Do’s and Don’ts for password management.

Do use a password manager – Use a tool like LastPass, Dashlane, or 1Password, which can generate and store super-complex passwords for you. Make sure to create a strong, memorable passphrase for your password manager.

Do use multi-factor authentication – Multi-factor authentication using a tool like Google Authenticator is one of the best ways to safeguard systems by requiring you to present something you know (password) and something you possess (authentication code from your mobile device

Do change default passwords – If any hardware or software came with a default password, change it! Too many hackers breach systems easily because default passwords were never changed

Don’t use the same password for all your logins It may make remembering passwords easier, but it also means that if hackers crack your password once, they can access multiple systems and devices with it.

Don’t store passwords in a spreadsheet Don’t do hackers a favor by packaging all your passwords up n a single unencrypted document.

Don’t use personal details in your passwords Don’t use any parts of your name, kids’ or pets’ names, birthday, mailing address, phone numbers, bank PIN numbers, or Social Security numbers in passwords.

Don’t use words found in a dictionary If you’re set on passwords instead of passphrases, don’t include any real word in English or any other language. Instead, use a hard-to-crack combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.

If you want to set up a time to discuss how to create a secure password plan please go to Tannery & Company  – Tax, Accounting, Wealth Management to set up an appointment or Set up a phone call with Michael

Happy Labor Day

Michael Tannery CPA, CDFA® AIF®

Registered Principal

Tannery & Company

Tax – Accounting – Wealth Management

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