Just in case you missed Michael’s original blog about my surgery, let me start from the beginning.

Transition, Telephones and Tatas – March 5, 2019
In the middle of all her planning for our move and being economic and realizing with her heel surgery that her deductible was completely made for 2018, Tina got her annual mammogram on December 29.  The result was not good news.  An MRI biopsy followed in mid-January.

Tina received the best of bad news soon after.  Tina was diagnosed with DCIS.  DCIS is also known as Cancer 0.  DCIS is considered non-invasive or pre-invasive breast cancer. DCIS can’t spread outside the breast, but it still needs to be treated because it can sometimes go on to become invasive breast cancer (which can spread)

Tina consulted with her doctors and decided that the best alternative for today and her health in the future was to undergo a double mastectomy.

Surgery was Monday, March 4.  The surgery was successful and after an overnight stay came home Tuesday afternoon.

She should be out of the office for most of the month of March.  Although from this morning she was still in command giving Jennifer, Jill and I orders on what needed to be completed from her bed via her cell phone.  She may be in the background but will be involved.

Tina’s Update
I went to the doctor on Friday, March 15.  My day was a little overwhelming. The good news is I got two of my four drains out and I am healing nicely.

I also received my pathologist report.   As you know I had DCIS which is a fully contained cancer. The DCIS results came back as expected with negative margins. As part of the standard procedure, the lymph node that the breast drains into was removed.

Unfortunately, the one lymph node that was removed showed LCIS.

My oncology surgeons were surprised by the pathology, yet they were able to trace the source to a 3mm mass (that is the size of two pinheads or 8 grains of salt)
It is grade 1 which means it is slow growing and slow spreading. The best news is it is negative HER2.

Following that appointment, I met with my new Doctor at Texas Oncology (OU grad) who helped Michael and I put all the information together. Besides being overwhelmed with all the information I am unbelievably blessed to even identify any of these spots at such an early onset.

Thankfully, I am on the fortunate side of the results.  If the lymph node wasn’t involved, I would be walking away. The new-found cancer still puts me on the minimal chance of reoccurrence.   At this time my medical team (They are the best!) is focused on the best long-term results and quality of life. We discussed at length the risk, side effects, and rewards. Currently, we are leaning towards removing the remaining lymph nodes on my right side.  We are waiting on some additional tests on the biopsy, blood work, and bone density.  Those results will directly contribute to confirming if this is the best route to pursue.

I am back at the office for a few hours every morning.  I miss the routine and while I have enjoyed binge-watching Netflix (Currently, Longmire Season 5 Episode 6) I am ready to be in charge again!

If you have a suggestion for other series, please email me!

I am overwhelmed with the beautiful flowers, gifts, notes, calls, and prayers. It has meant the world to help me face this obstacle head-on.

Thank you for making my journey a little lighter and my days brighter.



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