Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is an American holiday honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

In the wake of this week’s devastating tragedy, I want to share one idea that I believe we have lost in the past decades that can make a difference. I do not have a political answer, and I refuse to get into that debate.

Since Apple introduced the iPhone on June 29, 2007, our lives have consistently become dominated by our smartphones.

It is time for us to let go of the addiction and become available to ourselves, our family, and our community.

I know you are or were deeply involved in your children or possibly your grandchildren, and because of that, they will be fine as they go forth in life.

Pay attention to those children and adults around you. It might be one of your kids’ friends or a co-worker that has a rough home life and needs to find refuge. You can become the de facto mom, dad, or mentor to them.

Don’t take that societal responsibility lightly. Welcome others openly and connect with them. One conversation from someone who truly listens can change the trajectory of a life forever. You can be the “one person” in someone’s life, even if only for a moment.

We all struggle with what to do in the aftermath of tragic events. Our connected world exposes us to these tragedies more often than our minds can process. Many vent their anger in the political arena, but I believe we can become better by using that energy to make a difference closer to home.

Start today and pay attention to those around us. Look for someone who needs that one person to notice and invest in them.

Enjoy Memorial Day as we begin our summer. Use the time to disconnect electronically and reconnect yourself to the world around you.

We all need each other.

Michael Tannery CPA CDFA® AIF® ● CEO
Registered Principal | Tannery & Company
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