The Core Classes – English, Math, Science and History
These core classes in high school are supposed to either prepare you for college or life after high school.
As a college educated person, these core classes prepare you to have a wide knowledge base in addition to understanding the world at a very high level in your chosen field but also at a substantial level in other disciplines. The way in which a chemist describes the world is going to be very different than the way an English major or a Sociology major does. Being exposed to these “other” areas is thus part of the intellectual growth of going to college.
In my opinion, today’s education is missing the most important core class.
A student with a personal finance education exhibits strong money knowledge and habits. A recent study by Ramsey Solution shows that:
“Of high school students who have taken a personal finance course, 94 percent report understanding how student loans work and 79 percent report understanding how a 401(k) works. Students who have taken a personal finance course are also more than three times as likely to say they would rather have $500 in the bank instead of a smartphone.”
Other key findings of students who have completed a personal finance course:
- Report confidence in budgeting (95 percent), investing (87%) and saving money (94%).
- Bring in an average monthly income of $243, or $3,000 per year. Almost two-thirds of students surveyed say they are earning money.
- Create a budget monthly (nearly 80%).
- Say they have a car they paid for by themselves (20%).
What does this look like in real life?
Students who have completed a personal finance course were more than three times as likely to say they’d rather have $500 in the bank instead of a smartphone.
While students who lack any knowledge of personal finance were 25% more likely to rank television/cable as a necessity.
Who do you think has a higher chance of being successful in their lifetime?
Currently out of the 50 states only 5 require their students to take a semester course in Personal Finance before they graduate. Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, Virginia and Utah.
Where is TEXAS?
Beginning this fall for the 2016/2017 school year, ALL TEXAS high schools are required to offer Personal Financial Literacy.
What can you do about creating a better future for your children, our state, and our country?
First, REQUIRE your child to take the class. Self-improvement starts with self.
Second, take the time to comment to your local school board and state elected officials. The future is theirs and we have a responsibility to make it better.
If your child is in college, then look to see if they have a class. Make it a mandatory requirement for payment of their tuition. Want an example – This is the University of Texas – Dallas’ course.
FIN 3300 – Personal Finance (3 semester credit hours) This course is designed to help students prepare for a financially challenging world and to introduce the concepts and methods of personal financial planning. The financial planning process, the time value of money, taxation, credit, budgeting, housing, insurance, and employee benefits will be explored. The course will enable students to manage their finances and develop their own personal financial plans.
In case you have missed the 5 Step Financial Olympian’s Creed™. Take a moment and click over. See where you are on this and discuss with your spouse, significant other and children.
I want more for our children.
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Michael Tannery CPA CDFA® AIF® ● CEO
Registered Principal
Be A Financial Olympian