Many among us are now out of work and it is going to have an impact on you, me and our community.

The Labor Department reported Thursday that another 6.6 million people submitted applications for unemployment benefits in the week ended April 4. That is on top of a revised 6.9 million in the prior week, a record, and 3.3 million the week before. States overwhelmed by the volume are still working to process backlogs, suggesting the total could be even bigger.

There’s a reason the flight attendants instruct you to put on your oxygen mask before assisting others! If you truly want to help your family and your friends navigate in this current craziness, you first need to get yourself grounded and together before assisting others.

Virtual communication today can be like trying to bath a cat.  Everyone is frustrated and it looks like a duel to the death.   Yet, communication is more important now than ever.

Five Steps to Virtual Communications

  1. Communicate – Daily communication is important. The entire conversation does not have to be about “the crisis”.  There is good news happening in our community and it needs to be shared.


  1. There is no “water-cooler” conversation or mom’s day out happening. Those regular conversations are needed.  When you are remote, you may need more regular check-ins to maintain communication.


  1. Rituals are a cornerstone of our society. Just like many churches have done, you may need to set up the virtual equivalent.  Have lunch together or a Happy Hour.  Set up a “Virtual Room” on zoom that you can drop in when you are available.


  1. Many people are accustomed to working from home – but not with the spouse and children at the same time. Make sure you know and understand what is happening with your family and friends and how they are handling the virtual world.


  1. With every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. Take this crisis as an opportunity to forge deeper relationships with your neighbors, family, and co-workers.

Although the current situation is challenging, every day we are hearing stories of how people are adjusting and making a difference in their lives and others.

I hope you will take these communication ideas and implement them with your family and co-workers.

To steal a line from a friend,

All of this can occur even at a distance.

Want to talk?  Call us 214-239-4700 or just click to set up a ZOOM MEETING

Traditionally, Tannery Company observes Good Friday as a company holiday. Normally, we’d say, “our offices will be closed.” This year is different – but the chance to refresh, recharge and reflect on what’s important is as vital as ever. Probably more than we all realize.

Have a safe and enjoyable Passover and Easter holiday.

Michael Tannery CPA CDFA® AIF® ● CEO
Registered Principal | Tannery & Company

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