2020 CARES ACT – Planning Opportunities for You
Besides the change in filing date, there are three other vital areas came about as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,
Besides the change in filing date, there are three other vital areas came about as a result of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act,
When this is over, I want you to be able to say the ‘Rona Virus made me change a few things, and for that, I am grateful.
What will you say that you changed during this time?
Although the current situation is challenging, every day we are hearing stories of how people are adjusting and making a difference in their lives and others.
I hope you will take these communication ideas and implement them with your family and co-workers.
To steal a line from a friend,
All of this can occur even at a distance.
Who Qualifies?
You need a Social Security number to qualify for a relief check.
You do not need taxable income to receive a check.
The No. 1 most annoying thing about the Internet — passwords — leads people to make the No. 1 security mistake — reusing passwords. Hackers know we do this
What do two pushups every time you go to the bathroom have to do with financial success?
Absolutely nothing and everything at the same time.