A year ago, for Thanksgiving 2018 I wrote about Life Changes.
“A lot happened in the last twelve months and I have no doubt that the next twelve months brings new opportunities for all of us.
A year ago, Tina and I had recently finished our first 70.3 Ironman and were researching how we could do two in 2019. Suddenly in a simple misstep, we were dealing with her broken heal and what that meant for our lives. We had plans! God just laughed.”
Looking back now, I see that God was just getting us prepared to undergo a change in our life, be ready for the curves in the road ahead and to be grateful for everything we have.
Thanksgiving a time for Travel, Togetherness, Turkey, and most importantly thanks for the gifts we have and experience daily.
Our Tannery & Company family would like to say thank you to each of you for being a huge part of our family and allowing us to be a part of your life.
The year has given us opportunities and challenges and without you, very little would have happened.
Wherever you go this week, we hope you travel safely, enjoying not only the people you are going to see but the trip and the people you meet.
We will be off with our families and our office will be closed from 12:00 PM Wednesday, November 27, 2019, until we return on 8:00 AM December 1, 2019.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Jill Platt – Jennifer Livingstone – Tina Tannery – Michael Tannery