Life Changes – Thomas Rhett

Ain’t it funny how life changes
You wake up, ain’t nothing the same and life changes
You can’t stop it, just hop on the train and
You never know what’s gonna happen
You make your plans and you hear god laughing
Life changes and I wouldn’t change it for the world, the world, oh no

Twelve Months

A lot happened in the last twelve months and I have no doubt that the next twelve months brings new opportunities for all of us.

A year ago, Tina and I had recently finished our first 70.3 Ironman and were researching how we could do two in 2019.  Suddenly in a simple misstep, we were dealing with her broken heal and what that meant for our lives.  We had plans!

God just laughed.

We learned together how to make the changes we needed, and we grew from the experience.

Another year has gone quickly, and we are looking forward to our Thanksgiving gathering of family and friends.

“Our family” is more than just our children, brothers, sisters, parents and relatives.  Our family includes you and your family.

We are thankful for the relationships we have with you and the opportunity to share in your life and family.

The greatest reward of being in your family is that you are good at being honest with us about your goals and dreams and the needs that you have from us.

In late 2017, we made the decision to drop our Fearless Forecast in January and Halftime Report in July.  Several of you told us that you missed the interaction and we have listened.  Look for a “Save the Date” in your email in early January.

Being Thankful

The hustle of the “holiday season” has begun.  If you don’t believe me just check your email and see how many “early Black Friday” offers you have received.  I am exhausted from clearing these out of my inbox over the last few days.

Whatever the reason, we believe it’s great to pause and thank someone for their being a part of your life, their love and their courage to change little and big things.  This Thanksgiving, we plan to consume everything we can – food, drink, and family.  All of it.

Before that happens, I want to take a moment and let you know how thankful we are for you and your family being part of our lives.  Tina and I are thankful for the blessings we have in our lives and many come directly from you.

Thanks for being here with us as we move forward through the holidays and into 2019.

As Thomas Rhett sings………

Life Changes and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Michael Tannery CPA, CDFA® AIF®


Registered Principal

Tannery & Company

Tax – Accounting – Wealth Management

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