The job market in the USA is great today.  However, the competition for the right job is just as competitive as always and maybe even more.  Today future employers are doing a lot more than just looking at your resume and scheduling interviews.

Social Media has changed everything.  Before they even contact you they have searched your name, your social posts and probably things you had forgotten about?  Remember that “MySpace” profile?

If you make it to the first interview, which today is usually by phone and are successful then it is on to the in-person interviews.  Preparation is a key for success.  Today’s hiring managers are looking for highly emotionally intelligent candidates.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. In other words, it’s a complicated amalgam that hiring managers have a hard time testing for.   When a candidate has these qualities, they can work well with others and lead change effectively, so it’s no wonder why organizations are placing a higher priority on emotional intelligence.

As a candidate for employment, you need to be prepared to demonstrate your emotional intelligence.  A good hiring manager will ask questions that require thought and preparation.

Five Interview Questions to Know before you Interview (and the answers)

  1. Is there’s anyone at your last job who really bothered you and how did you deal with that? – Focus not on the person but on the solutions that you took to make the relationship work for you and your company.  Possibly explain how you worked to smooth over the relationship.
  1. Tell me about a day when everything went wrong. – Don’t dwell on the problems of that day or the other people.  Focus on how you dealt with it and what the solutions that you created and took to overcome the obstacles of the day.  The hiring manager is looking for flexibility in dealing with people and uncertain situations.
  1. What’s something you can teach me? – Take this as an opportunity to teach and share your knowledge.  This could be a business skill or a personal skill.  Let your passion shine through yet beware the potential trap of the hiring manager shows a lack of understanding or presses you for details.They are looking for your communication skills.  Take responsibility for what you are teaching and pace the conversation to match the questions asked.
  1. Tell me about someone you admire and why you do. – There are no wrong answers here, however it can be a trick because the person you admire may be about someone who has skills that you don’t possess.  Pick someone who has achieved a certain success and tell the hiring manager why you admire the person’s achievement of the success.
  1. What’s the one thing you are really proud of and why? – Talk about your achievements but make sure you include the others around you and on your team that made the achievement happen.  Success doesn’t occur in a vacuum.  Talk about how the success was celebrated by co-workers, family, and friends.

Being prepared for an interview requires time and preparation.  Take the time and land the job you want.

Carpe Diem – seize the day and your employment opportunities!

Michael Tannery CPA, CDFA® AIF®

Registered Principal

Tannery & Company

Tax – Accounting – Wealth Management

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