The 1970 Academy Award Winning Best Picture Movie Patton begins with the George C. Scott monologue, Americans Love a Winner. If you have not watched then you have missed a moment that epitomizes the American Dream. Educate yourself and understand the conflict and opportunity that exists for you today.
My favorite scene of this epic American Movie is “The Winter March”.
This scene encapsulates Patton’s strategy that led to the successful defeat of the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge and rescued the 101st Airborne Division trapped at Bastogne.
“This is where it pays off, the training and the discipline no other outfit in the world pull out of a winter battle, move 100 miles, go into a major attack with no rest, no sleep, no hot food, God I am proud of these men.”
Patton’s maneuver was the first example of “Lift and Shift”
Lift and Shift now is the lingo for migration of your office applications to the “cloud”. Organizations that move to the cloud do so to capitalize on its benefits, such as scalability, agility and, most notably, cost-efficiency.
General Patton would appreciate the approach. Unlike his heroic approach to winning the Battle of the Bulge, many companies are stuck in the muck and mud of brick and mortar and face the inevitable end of their ability to compete in today’s environment.
Making the transition from local work activities to Shared Cloud Based Services requires your company to follow a highly disciplined “Lift and Shift” transition. Just like our highly decorated American legend, you must be prepared and think ahead of your competition.
Patton was called to a December 19, 1944, Allied command meeting to discuss the German offensive of 250,000 soldiers and 29 division. Prior to the meeting, Patton ordered his staff to make three separate operational contingency orders to disengage elements of the Third Army from its present position and begin offensive operations toward several objectives in the bulge occupied by German forces.
At the meeting, Patton was asked by General Eisenhower, then the Supreme Allied Commander, how long it would take to disengage. Patton responded, “As soon as you are through with me.”
Patton’s methodology and planning included five transition phases that apply to your transition to the cloud today.
- Discovery – Completing a risk analysis.
- Plan and Preparation – Resources and the impact for the transition.
- Knowledge Capture – A mapping and updating of your ongoing transition.
- Ramp Up – Make the March and The Transition.
- Stabilization – Adjust as needed and work out any issues, with experts support.
The choice is yours today to decide how you are going to take the step towards the cloud or remain stuck.
We are transitioning business each week from a desktop accounting system to our “Beautiful Cloud Based System” – XERO.
After we complete the transition, and the client has experienced the difference we hear the same comment: “I never realized how much time I was wasting on my accounting.”
Are you ready to Lift and Shift and move your company forwards toward greater success and increased timely useful information?
Give us a call and see what we can create together.
Click here to schedule an appointment?
Michael Tannery CPA CDFA® AIF® ● CEO
Registered Principal
Be A Financial Olympian™