Finding time to focus on yourself and your health seems almost laughable during this crazy, fun and stressful time of year. But I’m here to challenge you to focus on your F.A.M.I.L.Y. and not only survive the holidays but laugh, smile and thrive.

FAMILY – the holidays are full of family.  From your own family to the aunts, uncles, and cousins that you only see at Christmas time.  Allow me to break up the repetitive traditions with a different look at FAMILY.

Friends are also family.  Take the time to remember the friends that have impacted your life this year and years ago.  A simple call from you to them might just be the most special event of their holiday season.  I can promise you that it will make your smile brighter.  Pick up the phone and make that call.

Abundance abounds for many of us.  Yet in the middle of that abundance, you can and will find those that are struggling both emotionally and financially.  Take the time to give to others.  “Give, and it will be given to you”

Movies – another opportunity to have the entire family to watch one our family’s favorite Christmas movies.  It should be mandatory viewing – Christmas Vacation – no it is not a classic in the same way that the Miracle on 34th St. has become.  Join in with Clark Griswold and his frustrated wife Ellen as Clark tries to recreate “a fun, old-fashioned, family Christmas” (despite his crazy relatives, Scrooge-like boss, and uptight yuppie neighbors) There are several classic points in the movie that you may have missed.  Take the first scene as Clark and his family drive from Chicago to buy a Christmas tree.  Where did the mountains come from?

Illumination is everywhere during the season.  When is that last time you piled everyone into the car and went driving around your town looking at the Christmas Lights?  It is simple easy fun and should disconnect you from your electronic devices for a few minutes.

Love is Christmas.  Even when you have just been standing in line for that last item you need for the Christmas dinner celebration and the person in front of you decides they need to run back and grab something they forgot.  This season is about love and giving.  Take a deep breath and smile, Kindness has a way of coming around when you least expect it.

You need to make time for yourself.  The adage that you hear every time you fly is just as important with both feet on the ground.  Take care of yourself before you take care of everyone else.

Tina, Buddy and I wish you a Merry Christmas.

Michael Tannery CPA, CDFA® AIF®

Registered Principal

Tannery & Company

Tax – Accounting – Wealth Management

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