Just two weeks.

That is all you have left until they leave.  You have thought about this for 18 years.  Sending your son or daughter to college.  You saved and planned for the cost and now the day has come when it is time to walk back to the car and make the drive home after moving them into the beginning of their next step in life.

No, they will not be there magically as if it was a dream when you get home.

This begins a step towards their future life and it is time to let them go.

It happened three times at our house.  End each time there came a day when the emotions came out and the tears spilled wondering if over the past 18 years – did I do everything I could as a parent to prepare them for this?

I think the answer is yes, except not letting them know that if they needed change they could go to the Kroger close to campus to see if they can get change.  The answer to the question is “yes, they sell quarters at Kroger.  $10.00 gets you a roll of quarters.

Yet the question remains, did you or I do the right thing?

There is no argument that a college education is important.

Earnings and eunemployment rates 2015








The facts are in and there is no doubt that a college degree+ increases your earning power which translates into better choices in life.  According to Forbes.com, a Four-year education ranges from $334,000 at an Elite College, $236,000 at a Private College and $112,000 at a Public University.

Yet the question still remains.

What degree is worth the cost of college?  If you are going to spend those dollars to send your child to school, there should be a Return on your Investment (ROI).

Salary.com looks at both the 8 College Degrees That Will Earn Your Money Back and 8 College Degrees with the Worst Return on Investment.

The article raises the question that is on many minds today.  Is college worth the cost?

The facts are simple in my opinion.  A College Degree has a 167% increase over a High School diploma in earning potential.

The question becomes which degree is worth the cost of college and have you had that conversation with your child.

Take the time today to begin the conversation and in four or five years you will see your child graduate and have the doors of opportunity opened for them.
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place
– George Bernard Shaw”

Where ever you are this weekend, stay cool and remember that it is only 57 days until the State Fair of Texas!

Let me know what you are doing about your conversation or planning for college.

Michael Tannery CPA CDFA® AIF® ●  CEO
Registered Principal

Be A Financial Olympian  Click here to begin the journey

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