Not sure what “Disrupted” is?

Merriam-Webster “to break apart; to throw into disorder”

In the early 1900’s (eons ago) Sears & Roebuck was Amazon.  Catalog retailing—what an innovation.

Today’ Amazon is the ultimate disruptor for retailing, gone are the magical days of “Going to the Mall” as many malls around the country are closing.  There is even a website for all the dead malls –

For every “Disruptor” there, of course, is the “Disrupted”

This is the premise behind Game Theory – the mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers. Zero-sum games, in which one person’s gains result in losses for the other participants.

Why is Game Theory important to you?  I believe that it needs to be examined in every business model.  Technology is creating the ability to move quickly and efficiently in the creation of new alternative opportunities versus continuing with the status quo.

Despite the success of Amazon, there are many retailers that continue to flourish.  The question I always ask is “WHY?”

These companies are making themselves un-Amazonable.  They are creating communities of like-minded people who want to be a part of that community.

Tannery & Company is a Disruptor

What began as a conversation has become an integral thread of our firm’s DNA

“Challenge the Status Quo”

We began reshaping our company over four years ago.  We recognized the wave of financial technology that would support and contribute to our client’s financial success.  Today, our efforts as planners, advisors, and accountants deliver a view of the big picture.  This enables our clients to understand the complexities of their net worth today and for future generations.

We believe that in any business you must create a company that builds up a community and gives people a reason for going there.  Our value to our clients comes in the advice we deliver, not just on investment management, but on their entire net worth.

How do we bring together the entire picture for our clients? We use today’s best technology to gather and analyze a client’s net worth and risk.  Taken together we can then deliver results that make a difference.

These are the technologies we are providing to our clients:

Blueleaf – Dashboard to your net worth

Riskalyze – What is your Risk Number?

Advizr – Putting together the entire plan

Then came XERO

The latest challenge/change to the status quo for our clients is the evolution away from a keyboard desktop approach to accounting.  The winner for us and our clients that have joined us is XERO, beautiful accounting software. The loser as there must be in Game Theory is QuickBooks.

Today, XERO announced that they have ONE MILLION subscribers.  An impressive growth from 50,000 five years ago.

Our Tannery & Company Team says congratulations to XERO.

If you are reading our blog and have not joined the financial and accounting technology movement we have one simple question – WHY?

If you want to try any of our technologies, or just want to know more all it takes is a simple click right HERE.  Tell us what technology you want to try and we will have you becoming a disruptor and not a disruptee.

It is a ZERO-SUM Game – which will you choose?

Living life as a disruptor,


Click here to schedule an appointment? 

Michael Tannery CPA CDFA® AIF® ●  CEO
Registered Principal

Be A Financial Olympian™


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