cleaning finances

Spring Cleaning Your Finances: A Fresh Start for Your Money

Nothing says spring like decluttering your home—so donate that sweater you haven’t worn since 2019. But while you’re at it, let’s talk about a different kind of cleaning: your finances. A little financial housekeeping now can set the stage for a stress-free, prosperous year ahead. The Benefits of a Financial Spring Cleaning Before we get…

Top view of a stylish home office desk with a laptop, planner, and coffee cup, showing hands on a blueprint.
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3 Steps to Financial Security: Needs, Wants, and Wishes

Hey there, Michael here. Happy Friday to our community of savvy financial planners and business owners. Whether you’re just starting your financial journey, navigating the middle stages, or nearing the later years of your life, achieving financial security requires a clear and simple plan.  One of the most effective ways to approach this is by…

Investments: Don’t Let High-Risk Equal High-Regret

Investments: Don’t Let High-Risk Equal High-Regret

Hey there, Michael here. Investing is like a puzzle with constantly changing pieces. It seems straightforward—until it isn’t. We’ve all heard the stories of someone making a killing on a hot stock or riding the crypto wave to quick riches. These success stories are not just rare occurrences; they are within reach for those who…